Laboratory Identification of the Cause of Death of KUB Chickens on Farm "X" in September 2023


  • Annisa Yohanes Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Prov. Riau Author
  • Dewi Anggreini Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Provinsi Riau Author
  • Intan Chairina Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Provinsi Riau Author


Avian Influenza, KUB chicken, Gross patology, PCR, Riau Province


Background: Farm "X" has KUB chickens with a population of 300 chickens which since the previous 10 days there have been deaths of 20-25 chickens/day. A total of two chick carcasses about one month old were sent to the Riau Provincial Veterinary Laboratory to determine the cause of the death of the chickens on the farm.

Objective: Laboratory testing of KUB chicken carcasses aimed to identify the cause of death of KUB chickens at farm "X" in September 2023.

Method: Identification of the cause of death of KUB chickens is carried out by gross pathology testing and RT-PCR AI matrix examination and followed by qRT-PCR AI subtype H5.

Results: Gross pathology observations showed the general condition of the chicken shows no change; there is no abnormality in the fat but there is visible redness in the inner thigh muscles; visceral status no change; in the respiratory tract there are changes in the form of discharge in the nose, petechiae in the trachea and hemorrhage in the lungs; in the digestive tract there are changes, namely the presence of food residue in the oral cavity, hemorrhage throughout the digestive tract and redness of the cecal tonsils; in the circulatory tract there are changes in the morphological shape of the heart; in the lymphoreticular system there are changes in the form of redness and petechiae in the bursa Fabricius and redness in the thymus. PCR testing showed positive results for Influenza Type A, then continued with testing for subtypes H5 and H9 at the Bukit Tinggi Veterinary Center. The results of further examination showed positive qRT-PCR results for AI Type A subtype H5.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that the cause of death of KUB chickens at farm "X" in September 2023 was due to the Avian Influenza Type A subtype H5 virus or Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) disease.

Author Biography

  • Annisa Yohanes, Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Prov. Riau

    Dokter Hewan di Laboratorium Veteriner pada UPT Laboratorium Veteriner dan Klinik Hewan Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan Provinsi Riau





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