Countermeasures of Avian Influenza Subtype H9 Case on Breeding Farm in Riau Province in 2023


  • Intan Chairina Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Services of Riau Province Author
  • Dewi Anggreini Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Services of Riau Province Author
  • Annisa Yohanes Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Services of Riau Province Author


Avian Influenza subtype H9, breeding farm, Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Riau Province


Background: Chicken breeding companies must be free from Avian Influenza disease according to Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 40 Year 2011. The Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Services of Riau Province routinely performs Avian Influenza surveillance on all breeding farms, twice during each production period, and found positive results for Influenza type A through the PCR test at the Bukittinggi Animal Disease Investigation Center.

Objective: This article aims to describe the measures taken by the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Services of Riau Province in dealing with Avian Influenza case on breeding farms.

Case Description: Positive results for Influenza type A were found in 9 out of 10 samples from breeding farms. In response to these results, The Veterinary Authority (VA) has ordered breeding farms to temporarily stop the production and sale of DOCs. 

Examinations: Testing continued with subtype identification with positive results for the H9 subtype in all of 9 samples, determining the case of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza on breeding farm.

Actions: Based on the discussions between VA of Riau Province with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Animal Health Expert Team, steps must be taken to stop the spread of Avian Influenza both inside and outside the breeding farm, i.e. stopping production within a period of three months followed by improving biosecurity, culling production products, and laboratory testing on a regular basis every month until negative results are obtained.

Conclusion: After carrying out all recommendations accompanied by laboratory tests showing negative results as many as three times, breeding farm was declared free from Avian Influenza and permitted to produce and distribute DOC.





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