Gatrointestinal Obstruction Caused by Foreign Body in a Green Iguanas (Iguana iguana)
Diagnosis, Enterotomy, Foreign Body, Gastrointestinal, Green IguanaAbstract
The case study of the Green Iguana occurred in one of the patients at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, SVMB, IPB University. A Green Iguana presented with clinical symptoms of weakness, loss of appetite and vomiting. Physical examination shown abdominal pain and hematochezia. X-ray examination shown foreign body like wire form, a buildup of air in the gastrointestinal tract and a picture of a foreign body in the colon. Owner stated about possibility of the Green Iguana had swallowed a sock. The results of blood tests showed a decrease in erythrocytes and an increase in white blood cells, indicating symptoms of anemia and possibility of inflamation. Giving a subcutaneous infusion to restore hydration and administering of Enrofloxacin (Baytrill) to prevent the infection. Coeliotomy was performed to expose the gastrointestinal tract with induction using ketamine and xylazine, followed by gas anesthesia using isoflurane. It was found that socks caused obstruction of the colon and wires that caused injury to the surface of the colon. An enterotomy procedure was performed to remove socks and wires, and anostomosis was performed using absorbable monofilament vicryl size 4.0. Post-operative care, the animal is fasted for 1x24 hours and continues to be given fruit that is mashed and mixed with water. Administration of antibiotics with enrofloxacin 0.2 ml (IM) to prevent the infections, administration of meloxicam 0.02 ml (IM) as an analgesic agent and infusion using NaCl 40 ml (SC) as post-operative treatment. On the 14th days showed a perfect wound healing and good general condition.