Breastfeeding Culture among the Kaili Tribe in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi: A Qualitative Study #


  • Hepti Muliyati IPB University, Widya Nusantara University, Indonesia Author
  • Katrin Roosita IPB University, Indonesia Author
  • I Wayan Gede Artawan Eka Putra Udayana University, Indonesia Author


Breastfeeding, Breasts, Culture, Kaili tribe, Nipasoa


Socio-cultural support is fundamental to successful breastfeeding. This study aimed to explore the breastfeeding culture of the Kaili tribe. Informants were chosen using purposive sampling. The qualitative data was analyzed by triangulation technique, which combined observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The data were then analyzed using NVivo 12. The findings indicate that Kaili breastfeeding mothers still practice the nipasoa culture after giving birth and use both breasts when nursing their babies, which should begin from the right breast to the left. This Kaili tribe culture can support the success of exclusive breastfeeding.





Environmental Health and Ecosystems