Facing Challenges, Seizing Opportunities: Marketing Communications of Agricultural Social Enterprises in Indonesia



marketing communication, agricultural social enterprise, collaborative strategy


One option for resolving social issues in rural areas is agricultural social entrepreneurship, which is currently expanding. When it comes to marketing agricultural social enterprise products, marketing is frequently the primary issue. The opportunities and difficulties in marketing agricultural social enterprise products are covered in this paper. A survey of six Indonesian agricultural social enterprises was used to gather data. The study's findings indicate that this agricultural social enterprise's primary obstacles are a lack of funding, trouble establishing customer engagement, and ongoing efforts needed for product education. On the other hand, there are opportunities to capitalize on, such as utilizing digital media, building customer loyalty through stakeholder collaboration, and measuring success using visitor insights and customer feedback. Important findings about cooperative stakeholder engagement tactics to lessen the difficulties encountered are also presented in this study. Policymakers and social entrepreneurs can use these findings to create more potent marketing planning

Author Biographies

  • Thirtawati, IPB University, Indonesia

    Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of
    Human Ecology, IPB University

  • Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, IPB University, Indonesia

    Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of
    Human Ecology, IPB University

  • Pudji Muljono, IPB University, Indonesia

    Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of
    Human Ecology, IPB University

  • Dwi Retno Hapsari, IPB University, Indonesia

    Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences, Faculty of
    Human Ecology, IPB University





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