Molecular Based Identification Using Cytochrome Oxydase-1 (CO1) Gene of Ringau Fish Datnioides microlepis Population South Sumatra, Indonesia



co1, datnioides microlepis, dna, south sumatra


The Ringau Fish (Datnioides microlepis) is native to Indonesia and common on Borneo and Sumatra. This is due to the presence of ancient rivers in the Pleistocene era where these two rivers were connected. This fish has a high economic value as an ornamental fish. The high demand for this fish has the potential to increase its vulnerability status. At present, it can only be sustained by natural catches. This has the potential to increase its vulnerability status. The purpose of this study was to obtain information on species identification based on DNA barcoding approaches compared to morphological identification.Molecular approach for identification of unknown species is an effective and reliable. The method used in this study was identification by DNA barcoding with the cytochrome oxydase-1 or CO1 gene. The tissue of ringau fish collected from South Sumatra. DNA was extracted using Geneaid DNA mini kit. The results of this study identified sample sequences Ringau fish from South Sumatra were variable in length of 650-700 bp and based on identity matches on the NCBI database confirmed the species was Datnioides microlepis with a similarity percentage level of 100%. Maximum similarity between the same and different species was demonstrated using a distance tree. The results of this study are expected to provide basic information for ex-situ development.

Author Biography

  • Mochammad Zamroni, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

    Research Center for Conservation of Marine and Inland Water Resources, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia 





Sustainable natural resources and environmental management