Urban-Rural Relations in the Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas (L) Lam) Commodity Value Chain
Economy; Village; City; Sweet potatoAbstract
Cikarawang Village in Dramaga, Bogor, is known as a sweet potato production center with a marketing system involving various actors, such as farmers, middlemen, wholesalers, and retailers. This study aims to analyze the sweet potato value chain, factors that influence prices, and challenges faced by farmers. The research method used is a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews with farmers, middlemen, and traders, as well as direct observation of the distribution process. The results of the study indicate that sweet potato prices are influenced by urban market conditions, where farmers have a low bargaining position due to limited access to information. Although there are fertilizer subsidies from the government, uneven distribution and delays in distribution result in decreased productivity. In addition, the problem of unstable price fluctuations and inadequate irrigation infrastructure hinders farmer welfare. The absence of formal production contracts means that middlemen and wholesalers have the power to determine prices, which often harms farmers. The conclusion of this study emphasizes the need to strengthen farmer institutions, increase access to capital sources, and improve infrastructure to support productivity and sustainability of farming businesses in Cikarawang Village. These findings are expected to provide insights for policymakers and agricultural practitioners in formulating more effective strategies to improve farmer welfare and local food security