Plant Biodiversity of Mixed Garden in Lariang Mamasa Watershed, West Sulawesi

This title has been presented on Friday, December 14, 2023 at 11.55-12.05 GMT+7.


  • Jeffry Setiawan IPB University Author
  • Kaswanto Regan Leonardus IPB University Author
  • Sofyan Sjaf IPB University Author
  • Risdayatri Aulia IPB University Author
  • Ananda Aulia Parahita IPB University Author
  • Putra Pamungkas Rohadi IPB University Author


biodiversity, carbon stocks, mixed gardens


This title has been presented on Friday, December 14, 2023 at 11.55-12.05 GMT+7.

The mixed-plantation agroforestry system is a land management system that combines agricultural and forestry crops. The aim of this research is to calculate carbon stocks and biodiversity in mixed gardens, as well as compare carbon stocks and biodiversity at two levels of the Lariang Mamasa watershed. Two villages were selected using a purposive sampling method, namely Sipai Village and Tonyaman Village. Observations were carried out in 3 repetitions on mixed garden land with a total of 30 plots. The shape of the plot is a square with dimensions of 20 x 20 m. The number of species was counted, and the diameter at breast height (DBH) and plant height were measured. Data is used to estimate carbon stocks, diversity indices, and species richness. The research results show that the landscape in Sipai Village consists of forests, mixed gardens, rice fields, coffee plantations, and settlements. Meanwhile, Tonyaman Village consists of forests, yards, mixed gardens, ponds, bushes, and mangroves. The land cover area of mixed gardens in Sipai Village is 249.1 ha (23%), while the land cover area of mixed gardens in Tonyaman Village is 48.7 ha (14%). The main locus of this research is mixed garden land cover.

