Historical and projected rainfall climatology in Sumatra based on the CMIP6

This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 12.05-12.15 GMT+7.


  • Lesi Mareta Institute Technology of Sumatera Author


This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 12.05-12.15 GMT+7.

Sumatra is the largest island in Indonesia and is one of the islands that has an important role in maintaining Indonesia's food security. Deformation on the island of Sumatra has resulted in serious seasonal haze. Apart from this, deformation has also caused the climate, especially rainfall in Sumatra, to change, thereby disrupting agricultural processes which has disrupted food security in Sumatra. To see changes in rainfall patterns in Sumatra, we can compare the historical and projected monthly rainfall climatology. The monthly rainfall climatology is the average monthly rainfall over a period of at least 30 years. Monthly rainfall climatology is used to identify the general rainfall situation in a region. Sumatra's historical rainfall climatology uses CRU TS data, while the projected monthly rainfall climatology uses CMIP6 model data. Historical monthly rainfall climatology shows that Sumatra has a monsoon pattern, namely one peak of the rainy season and one peak of the dry season. The peak of the rainy season occurs in the wet season (December, January and February) while the dry season occurs in the dry season (June, July and August).

