Effect of La2O3 Doped in Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 Thin Film on Optical Properties and Crystal Structure

This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 11.35-11.45 GMT+7.


  • Irzaman IPB University Author
  • Ridwan Siskandar IPB University Author
  • Muhammad Iqbal Bandung Institute of Technology Author
  • Brian Yuliarto Bandung Institute of Technology Author
  • Mochammad Zakki Fahmi Airlangga University Author
  • Febdian Rusydi Airlangga University Author
  • Widagdo Sri Nugroho Gadjah Mada University Author


This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 11.35-11.45 GMT+7.

The Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3  thin film and BST doped  La2O3  with the variation of exposure: 2%, 4% and 6% were successfully grown on the substrate of Si type-p using Chemical Solution Deposition method. The films were annealed at 850°C of temperature for 15 hours. Characterized of crystal structure using XRD spectral. The optical properties of BST and BSLT were characterized using Vis-NIR spectrophotometer. All this thin films absorb and reflectance in the area of visible light. The result showed that addition of dopant lanthanum oxide affect of lattice parameter value and formed a cube crystal. The UV-Vis spectrophotometer analysis of Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 thin films doped with Lanthanum (0, 2, 4, 6%) revealed an energy gap within the range of 1.996 eV - 2.767 eV. Combined with XRD spectral data, these findings suggest that Ba0.55Sr0.45TiO3 doped with Lanthanum (0, 2, 4, 6%) shows potential as a light sensor.

