Response of corn growth to ZeomicAgro, a zeolite-based soil ameliorant

This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 15.50-16.00 GMT+7.


  • Dyah Suryaningtyas IPB University Author
  • Hermanu Widjaja IPB University Author
  • Putri Oktariani IPB University Author


fertilization, humic-substances, inceptisols


This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 15.50-16.00 GMT+7.

Apart from being able to improve soil quality, including soil physical, chemical and biological properties, soil ameliorant can also increase crops yields. The soil ameliorant studied was ZeomicAgro, an inorganic ameliorant consisting of zeolite enriched with humic substances. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of ZeomicAgro on the growth of corn plants (Zea mays). The experiment was conducted in Inceptisol at the Cikabayan IPB Education Field, Bogor. It used a one-factor randomized block design, with five treatments. There were three doses of ZeomicAgro compared to control and a standard fertilization, namely 400 kg NPK/ha. The three ZeomicAgro has met minimum technical requirements for inorganic ameliorants with cation exchange capasity value of 77.78%. The experiment was carried out with four replications so there were 20 experimental units. Each experimental unit was a plot of 25 m2. The average growth of corn as indicated by plant height, number of leaves and chlorophyll content were higher than the control. Doses of 200 kg ZeomicAgro/ha tent to provide the hihgest corn growth and also reduce the use of NPK fertilizer by 25%.

