Flexural Strength of Ceiling Results from Plastic Waste Conversion

This title has been presented on Thursday, December 15, 2023 at 10.50-11.00 GMT+7.


  • Gary Aqnar Adinugraha IPB University Author


ceiling, material strength, plastic melting, plastic waste


This title has been presented on Thursday, December 15, 2023 at 10.50-11.00 GMT+7.

The high development of construction is a factor in accelerating municipal solid waste. The large volume of plastic waste is a threat to natural ecosystems and human health. Plastic recycling can reduce the negative impact. This study aims to test the performance of a plastic waste melting device, convert plastic waste into a ceiling, and test the quality of plastic ceiling. The conversion of plastic waste into ceiling is done by melting the plastic waste and then printing it on the ceiling mold. The plastic ceiling is tested to measure the material strength and compared with conventional ceilings. The performance test of the plastic melter showed good performance because the device was able to reach the melting temperature of plastic, which is 160oC within 4 hours. The process of converting plastic waste into ceilings aims to reduce plastic waste. Density and MOR tests were carried out to determine the quality of the ceiling. The density of plastic ceilings has a value of 0.87 g/cm3. The MOR value for plastic ceiling has a value that is not much different from ceiling materials on the market, which is 3 N/mm2.

