Effect of solvent ratio on omega-3 extraction of catfish (Clarias sp.) and pangasius catfish (Pangasius sp.) using low-temperature crystallization method

This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 16.00-16.10 GMT+7.


  • Sugeng Heri Suseno IPB University Author
  • Daniar Nur Salsabila IPB University Author
  • Wahyu Ramadhan IPB University Author
  • Farah Nurjannah IPB University Author


This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 16.00-16.10 GMT+7.

Freshwater fish are not known as a resource of omega-3 fatty acids, which takes more to improving the omega-3 content by producing concentrates using a low-temperature crystallization method. The purpose of making omega-3 concentrate is to eliminate components except omega-3 fatty acids. This study aims to discover the best acetone solvent-oil ratio for obtaining the best quality of omega-3 catfish (Clarias sp.) and pangasius catfish (Pangasius sp.) by analyzing oxidation parameters, iodine number (IV), and fatty acid profiles. The omega-3 concentrate was produced using a low-temperature crystallization method with solvent-to-oil ratios of 3:1(v/v), 4:1(v/v), 5:1(v/v), 6:1(v/v), and 7:1(v/v). The omega-3 values of catfish and pangasius catfish were 1,69% and 1,02% with omega-3/total fatty acid ratios of 2,67% and 1,39%, respectively. The best treatment is solvent:oil 5:1 (v/v), which was determined by the iod value (IV) test to generate an increase of omega-3 value to each catfish and pangasius catfish with the final results 3,65% and 2,30%, respectively. Catfish and pangasius catfish concentrate increased 1,69 and 1,28 times with omega-3 and total fatty acid ratios are 5,78% and 3,74%.

