The roles of innovations for village development in rural-urban linkages in West Java Province

This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 13.20-13.30 GMT+7.


  • Dahri Tanjung School of Vocational Studies, IPB University Author


This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 13.20-13.30 GMT+7.

Village development is an inevitability and increasingly important in the Indonesian economy. However, various obstacles still hinder the village from being far behind, hindering the progress of the city. One thing that is expected to drive village progress is the development of innovations that are suitable for villages. For this reason, this research tries to analyze the role of innovation in village development in several village areas in West Java. This research uses a survey method utilizing primary data supported by secondary data. Meanwhile, the data analysis uses Shift share analysis, Location Quotient, and Sustainable Lifelihood Approach. The research results show that the food crops, horticulture, and fisheries subsectors are basic sectors with several superior commodities. Innovation in the use of natural resources and the development of superior commodities plays an important role in village development, especially in the context of rural-urban linkages. The ability of rural communities and businesses to successfully adopt innovations depends on their connectivity capabilities to other regions. The most important is proximity to knowledge network access in, and knowledge spillovers from, urban areas. The obstacles that occur precisely in this case, knowledge of human resources, capital, and network access are still low. Various innovations as part of the agricultural development strategy that are expected to accelerate the village economy are increasing productivity, quality, and added value as well as differentiation of superior agricultural products. This is done through improving the quality and sustainable management of resources and human resources, developing infrastructure, utilizing information and communication technology, providing adequate agricultural infrastructure, agricultural intensification, and meeting the need for industrial raw materials to increase investment.

