Study of sexuality and domestication of dwarf snakehead (Channa limbata) located at Bogor, Jawa Barat

This paper was not presented at the conference.


  • Thomas Edison Wu IPB University Author
  • Dinar Tri Soelistyowati IPB University Author


This paper was not presented at the conference.

This research aims to evaluate the early stages of domestication of local snakehead fish C.limbata from Bogor (West Java) including the fish's response to the acclimatization process and its sexuality profile based on primary and secondary sex characteristics as a basis for developing sustainable cultivation of ornamental snakehead fish outside their habitat. Fish are divided into (three) fish size classes, namely <100 mm (small), 100-150 mm (medium), and >150 mm (large). Morphometric characterization includes 29 characters, while meristic characterization includes 5 fin characters (back, chest, stomach, anus, tail). Fish sexuality characteristics were observed based on differences in morphometric characters and macroscopic and microscopic analysis of gonads including GSI and HSI. The sex dimorphism of the Channa limbata fish from Bogor, West Java has not yet been identified. There were no significant differences in the morphometric, meristic and urogenital characteristics of male and female Channa limbata fish from Bogor, West Java. Acclimatization was carried out for 14 days with the lowest SR value of 75% at a size >150 mm.

