Social capital and organized collective action: Lessons from managing the Mangrove Forest of the Buano Community Moluccas

This paper was not presented at the conference.


  • Messalina L Salampessy IPB University Author


Common-pool resources; common property institutions; social capital


This paper was not presented at the conference.

Exploring the elements of social capital behind the success of community collective action in managing mangrove forests is very important. The aim of this research is to explain, through an institutional concept, by capturing the elements of the social capital structure (networks, roles, rules, and procedures) developed by the community in managing mangrove forests. Data collection was carried out through observation, and interviews with key informants. Data analysis to use the fourth quadrant of Grooteart's framework of social. The research results explain that important elements of social structure include: capable leadership; long-term partnerships with external institutions; good operational and management structure; and community group active participation and successful collective action depend on long-term processes and building genuine trust, within and across communities, and between communities and external agents.

