Towards a Greater Understanding of the Sugarcane Agro-Industry Sustainability Analysis: A Tertiary Study

This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 13.40-13.50 GMT+7.


  • Rohayati Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University, Fateta Bld. Dramaga Bogor West Java, 16680 Author
  • Marimin Department of Agro-Industrial Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University, Fateta Bld. Dramaga Bogor West Java, 16680 Author
  • Hartisari Hardjomidjodjo Department of Agro-Industrial Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University, Fateta Bld. Dramaga Bogor West Java, 16680 Author
  • Farah Fahma Department of Agro-Industrial Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University, Fateta Bld. Dramaga Bogor West Java, 16680 Author
  • Kartiko Eko Putranto The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), B.J. Habibie Bld., M.H. Thamrin 8, Jakarta, 10340 Author


This title has been presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 13.40-13.50 GMT+7.

Sustainability has been widely studied by researchers in many sectors including sugarcane industry.  Accordingly, many primary research studies have been carried out regarding various topics of sustainability analysis.  Moreover, several secondary studies in the form of both systematic reviews and systematic mapping studies have been published. However, there is a need to conduct a tertiary study in this important area of research that identifies, analyzes, and classifies these individual secondary studies. A tertiary study answers wider research questions by identifying and analyzing articles by following the same methodology as systematic mapping reviews. A novel systematic literature review method is proposed and used to identify, analyze, and classify secondary research in the field of sustainability analysis in the agricultural sector. Articles were analyzed using a search protocol, including descriptive and content analysis criteria. We identified 47 secondary studies to better understand the systematic approach, database sources, sustainability assessment stages, sustainability dimensions and indicators sustainability, data analysis tools, and new concepts proliferated from the studies. We analyzed these 47 secondary studies to determine their quality, direction, scope, limitations, and key recommendations for future work in sugarcane sustainability analysis.





Science and technology for sustainable agromaritime