Rural Economic Development and Social Cohesiveness

This paper was not presented at the conference.


  • Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo Universitas Iqra Buru Author


This paper was not presented at the conference.

The presence of an autonomous village serves as a testament to a community's desire to enhance and broaden its capabilities to address the demands of contemporary society effectively. The poverty reduction initiative launched by the authorities of Buru Regency has not yielded discernible impacts on the economic dynamics of the local village community. The simple accessibility of natural resources can facilitate the expansion of economic activity. Nevertheless, the development of incompletely developed rural communities has encountered opposition due to cultural limitations and clashes. The present study aims to examine the capacity of the village to foster social cohesiveness as a fundamental element contributing to the municipality's expansion. The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of social cohesion within communities and their adaptive methods in response to changes in the economic development of rural areas. The research employed a phenomenological approach for data collection. This phenomenological investigation aims to enhance comprehension of the configuration of consciousness within a village community, particularly under specified circumstances. By employing this approach, a deeper understanding of the rationales for and the importance of social cohesion and adaption techniques within rural communities may be gained. The data presentation is derived from various sources, encompassing recordings, notes, interviews, a comprehensive examination of pertinent literature, and participant input. The study employed purposeful sampling as the method for participant selection, wherein predetermined selection criteria and objectives were utilised. A robust sense of community is the most significant indicator of economic progress in rural regions. The network support, solidarity, and kinship among village communities contribute to economic trade, bolstering its strength and fostering empowerment. Applying the "compliance and innovation" strategy to adaptation can yield advantageous outcomes for managing natural resources.

