The Role of Traditional Institutions of the Miduana Traditional Village in Sustainable Natural Resource Management

This paper was not presented at the conference.


  • Yovan Herland Pradana IPB University Author
  • Nandi Kosmaryandi IPB University Author
  • Eva Rachmawati IPB University Author


Miduana Traditional Village, sustainable natural resources, traditional institution


This paper was not presented at the conference.

Miduana Traditional Village is one of the traditional villages that still have traditions for protecting natural resources. The object of this research is to identify the Miduana traditional institutional structure and the role of these traditional institutions in sustainable natural resource management. Data were collected using literature study methods, field observations, interviews, and analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods. Interviews were conducted with four key informants, including the traditional leaders, the traditional council, the village chief, and members of youth organizations. Miduana traditional institutions are led by a traditional leader who coordinates with the traditional council and five sub-sectors of traditional institutions, including the sub-sectors of arts, religion, culture, tourism, and kokolot lembur. The role of Miduana traditional institutions in sustainable natural resource management is establishing rules or policies related to environmental preservation in the Miduana Traditional Village, monitoring the forest area around the Miduana Traditional Village, monitoring the environment of the Miduana Traditional Village and reprimanding people who damage it, and also conducting comparative studies with other traditional villages. Miduana traditional institutions have an important role in sustainable natural resource management, as seen from their various efforts to preserve the environment of the Miduana Traditional Village.

