This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 15.05-15.15 GMT+7.


  • Septa Riadi IPB University Author


PIT , Capture Quota , NVivo


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 15.05-15.15 GMT+7.

On March 6 2023 the Indonesian Government issued Government Regulation no 11 of 2023 concerning Measured Fishing (Penangkapan Ikan Terukur /PIT). This research aims to analyze and examine the sentiment of the main issues in every news item on the internet regarding the Measured Fishing (PIT) policy. Online news was obtained using the Google Indonesia search engine using the keyword "Measurable Fishing  (penangkapan ikan terukur)" on November 15 2023 at 20.00 WIB. In this research, the 50 most popular news related to these keywords were analyzed. All the news was then coded to find the sentiment of each news and also the main topics contained in the news using NVivo version 12 software. The results of the sentiment analysis showed that there were 32 coding positive sentiments and 22 negative sentiments. The results of the main topic analysis are also divided into 3 large clusters, namely the negative impact of PIT with 39 codings, the obstacles to implementing PIT with 32 codings, and the benefits of implementing PIT with 116 codings. The majority of the main topics that come out from within the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries are mostly positive, while negative sentiment comes from fishermen's associations, fisheries business associations, and several heads of regional maritime and fisheries services. Further analysis can be concluded that negative reports in the media tend to exist because this policy has not been socialized to the level of small fishermen and several obstacles are still faced by small fishermen in implementing this policy, especially in terms of information technology aspects, therefore it is felt that the ministry needs KKP can collaborate with stakeholders, media, and academics to convey scientific facts related to the implementation of measurable fishing policies to the public.

