Physical, chemical, and in vitro digestibility of complete feed block silage based on oil palm fronds

This title will be presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 15.00-15.10 GMT+7


  • Nadia Safira IPB University Author
  • Nahrowi IPB University, CENTRAS Author
  • Didid Diapari IPB University Author
  • Muhammad Ridla IPB University Author


Digestibility, haylage block, oil palm fronds, silage


This title will be presented on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 15.00-15.10 GMT+7

The study on complete feed block silage based on oil palm fronds is still very limited. This research aimed to evaluate the physical and chemical qualities as well as the in vitro digestibility of complete feed block silage based on oil palm fronds for beef cattle. The experimental design used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD). This study involved three feed treatments with five replications. The treatments included P0 = untreated complete feed based on oil palm fronds; P1 = P0 turned into silage; P2 = P1 dried and formed into blocks. Physical characteristics and nutrient content were analyzed descriptively. Digestibility data and pH values were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that P2 had a softer texture and higher acidic aroma compared to P0 and lower than P1. The acidity of P2 was higher than P1 and lower than P0. Digestibility values for dry matter and organic matter were similar for all treatments. In conclusion, drying and block formation in P2 improved the physical characteristics and aroma of silage blocks but did not significantly affect the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter.

