Rainfall anomaly response to ENSO and IOD teleconnections in the CORDEX-SEA simulations

This title has been presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 10.30-10.40 GMT+7.


  • Tugiyo Aminoto IPB University Author
  • Akhmad Faqih IPB University Author
  • Perdinan Perdinan IPB University Author
  • Yonny Koesmaryono IPB University Author
  • Bambang Dwi Dasanto IPB University Author


This title has been presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 10.30-10.40 GMT+7.

This study aims to assess the relationships between rainfall anomalies and ENSO/IOD in the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment–Southeast Asia (CORDEX-SEA) multi-model simulations. The assessment process employed various statistical parameters, including standard deviation ratio, correlation, wavelet, and empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. The evaluation consisted of five sections: (a) statistical comparison of Niño3.4 index measured from the models to the observations; (b) the same as (a) but using wavelet analysis; and (c) spatial correlation of simulated precipitation anomalies with Niño3.4 index measured from the observations. (d) The same as (c) but  Niño3.4 index measured from the models. (e) Correlation of the first leading principal component of Niño3.4 and rainfall time-series. The same procedures are applied for IOD index.  ERA5 and GPCP rainfall, and COBE sea-surface temperature datasets were used as references of comparison. The results showed that SEA rainfall anomaly in most CORDEX-SEA models displayed a varied response to Niño3.4 and IOD index. The CNRM_a and NorESM1_d models exhibited a better clarity in capturing SEA rainfall-Niño3.4/IOD connectivity. 

