Prospects for The Development of The Natural Textile Dye Industry For Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 09.55-10.05 GMT+7.


  • Junita Junita IPB University Author
  • Anas Miftah Fauzi IPB University Author
  • Titi Candra Sunarti IPB University Author
  • Aton Yulianto National Research and Innovation Agency Author


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 09.55-10.05 GMT+7.

This Systematic Literature (SLR) identifies the studies conducted so far on developing natural dyes for textiles. Synthetic dyes are harmful to the environment as they are not naturally degradable. Using natural dyes in the textile industry is one of the solutions to reduce the environmental impact. Currently, natural dyes are primarily used in the textile and handicraft industry at the level of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), where the industry still carries out planting to extraction. If natural dyes are to be applied as textile dyes, especially batik, an industry that develops natural dyes is needed to maintain the continuity and availability of natural dyes. In this study, we conducted a systematic review to synthesize empirical knowledge relevant to the sustainability of the textile natural dye industry. The literature study used articles published between 2019-2023 in reputable journals. From the literature review results, we found that most of the studies covered the sources of natural dyes and their extraction processes, as well as the sustainability of natural dyes. The literature review results found that studies related to natural textile dyes still need to be developed, including how to develop natural dye agro-industry institutions so that their continuity and availability are guaranteed.

