Pets Business Product and Development: A Systematic Literature Review

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 10.05-10.15 GMT+7


  • M Syaefudin Andrianto Department of Management, FEM IPB University Author


pet business , pet feed , pet industries , pet insurance , pet wtp


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 10.05-10.15 GMT+7

Pet owners have experience in meeting the needs of feed, special feed (vitamins), medicine and health and accessories. The influence of technology and special causes such as pandemics have caused changes in the way necessities are purchased. This paper identifies research related to pet business products and interest in purchasing new products to meet the needs of pet animals. A systematic review procedure using the PRISMA approach was used as a data analysis method. The Scopus database was chosen as a literature source. Pet-related keywords were used to search for titles and abstracts. In the initial stage, 5962 data were obtained. Then a series of screening, selection and retrieval was carried out resulting in 49 articles. Retrieval of full text and checking the relevance of only 14 articles. Then 9 data articles were added from the Scopus citing database which were considered relevant. There were 23 articles identified covering 14 countries that met the eligibility criteria for review. Some articles involve participants from multiple countries. Almost all studies used cross-sectional surveys and collected from pet owners. Pet-related products that have been researched include feed, local feed, feed labels, medicines and vaccines, insurance, adoption, services by clinics, veterinary services including telemedicine, and traveling with pets. This article also describes the segmentation of pet owners, expenses for pets, variables that influence product purchasing decisions, willingness to pay for products, sources of pet adoption, sources of information when traveling with pets, and online purchases and business potential related to pets. This paper contributes to existing research related pet business and potential new product

