Distribution of moon crab Matuta victor (Fabricius, 1781) from the western and eastern of Java coastline and the characteristic of COI mitochondria among the locations

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 14.55-15.05 GMT+7.



COI mitochondria, gene flow, moon crab


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 14.55-15.05 GMT+7.

The high activity in coastal regions contributes to the abundance of coastal biota such as Matuta victor. Matuta victor is aggressive, omnivorous, and invasive, reflecting the characteristics that make it a successful invader. This crab is a supporting organism in aquatic ecosystems, playing an important role in food webs. It provides ecosystem services that enhance ecosystem productivity, including improved fishery products with economic value. This research aims to report the distribution of M. victor and compare M. victor in the West and East of the Java coastline based on COI mitochondria. Collection of specimens was carried out in Carita (n=7), Ujung Kulon (n=2), Bomo (n=3), and Muncar (n=1) by hand. The specimens were analyzed using COI mitochondria fragments. A total of 814 bp sequence data was obtained from this research. Based on genetic distance and phylogenetic analysis, specimens of M. victor from the West and East of the Java coastline had genetic similarity. This result suggests that gene flow occurs between locations. It can be concluded that the M. victor in these locations may have the same ancestor and provided distribution patterns of this species.

Author Biographies

  • Nur Ikhlas Syuhada, IPB Univeristy

    Department of Biology

  • Achmad Farajallah, IPB University

    Department of Biology

  • Ali Mashar, IPB University

    Departement of Aquatic Resources Management

