Climate change, villages and agromaritime: Current conditions and future challenges in Indonesia

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 13.15-13.25 GMT+7


  • Raudlatul Jannah IPB University Author
  • Lala M Kolopaking IPB University Author
  • Soeryo Adiwibowo IPB University Author
  • Syamsul Maarif Defense University of The Republic of Indonesia Author


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 13.15-13.25 GMT+7

Climate change has increased rural and agricultural vulnerability. The development of the agromaritime sector must be encouraged for food security and competitiveness in facing the threat of climate change. By using a systematic literature review method, this research answers two questions. First, what are the current impact of climate change on communities/villages and the development of the agromaritime sector? Second, what challenges are faced in developing agromaritime in the Anthropocene era? By analyzing more than 50 articles published in the last three years with the keywords climate change, community/village adaptation, and agromaritime, This study found that climate change causes farmers and fishermen to experience losses. Efforts to adapt to climate change in communities/villages are still not optimal. Environmental degradation, such as marine debris, has weakened the maritime sector. Resource management still needs to be data-based. Infrastructure for agromaritime development needs to be improved. Thus, agromaritime development in the Anthropocene era is the challenge of turning villages into growth centers with local advantages while adapting to the climate crisis and mitigating the impact of climate change on the agromaritime sector.

