Characteristics of the East Jakarta Urban Farming Model In Sustainability Perspective

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 09.45-09.55 GMT+7.


  • Fetty Dwi Rahmayanti IPB University Author
  • Andi Gunawan IPB University Author
  • Anas Miftah Fauzi IPB University Author
  • Edi Santosa IPB University Author


Urban farming, Sustainability, East Jakarta


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 09.45-09.55 GMT+7.

The development of urban farming in Jakarta continues to be carried out as an effort to support sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs). Although in general the condition of urban farming in Jakarta currently has limited resources, especially land, simple farming management and technology as well as issues of continuity and sustainability, it is hoped that the development of urban farming must still be pursued to meet food needs, greening and reduce the impact of global warming. The aim of this research to recommend the development of urban farming in East Jakarta based on characteristics urban farming model in sustainability perspective.

The strategy undertaken to ensure the continuity of urban farming in Jakarta is by implementing a development strategy which includes; (1) selection of plant types and planting patterns, (2) increasing planting area vertically, (3) diversification of farming businesses, (4) communication, education and information (KEI) to stakeholders, (5) collaboration with various parties (government, business world, academia, media), and (6) innovation and adaptive technological applications in cities. Research method used sampling that will be carried out the collected research data, with a focus on development carried out in the sub-sectors of agriculture (food), inland fisheries and animal husbandry, was followed by regression and correlation analysis to see the influence of urban farming on the characteristics of urban farming in Jakarta on environmental risks.

The assessment results indicated that urban farming in East Jakarta utilize local resources sustainability to improve local food availability. There are four  development models of the urban farming, namely (1) space-based development model, (2) upstream to downstream integrated development model, (3) efficient use of land and water based development model, and (4) individual, community and group empowerment models.

