Morphological Characteristics of the Intestine of Cemani Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

This title has been presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 13.55-14.05 GMT+7.


  • Jeanne Natasia Jaya IPB University Author
  • Savitri Novelina IPB University Author
  • Joko Pamungkas IPB University Author
  • Nurhidayat IPB University Author


Cemani chicken, intestine, melanin pigment


This title has been presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 13.55-14.05 GMT+7.

The Cemani chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) is a local chicken that has a high selling value because of its unique and magical belief by the community. This study aimed to determine the macroscopic and microscopic structural characteristics of the intestinal Cemani chicken. A total of three female Cemani chickens were taken for their intestines and stained with HE, AB pH 2,5, and PAS. The results showed that the length of the intestine of the Cemani chicken was 96,73 ± 6,82 cm and macroscopically the small intestine of the Cemani chicken was not completely black, while the large intestine was completely black. In general, the intestinal microanatomy of Cemani chickens is not significantly different from that of chickens. Melanin pigment is distributed in the lamina propria of the mucosa of the large intestine, tunica submucosa of the large intestine, tunica muscularis of the ileum and large intestine, and throughout the intestinal serosa. In addition, the pigment melanin is also found around the blood vessels and bursa of Fabricius. Acid and neutral carbohydrate staining showed positive results for goblet cells in the mucosal epithelial layer and Lieberkuhn's gland cells.

