Availability of DO and indications against domestic pollution (BOD, COD, H2S, ammonia, odor, and water color) in the Cakung River

This paper was not presented at the conference.


  • Gatot Prayoga IPB University Author
  • Jauhar Zainalarifin IPB University Author


Water pollution, Cakung River, domestic pollution


This paper was not presented at the conference.

Cakung River is one of the sections that stretches from the Bekasi City area to the Jakarta area into Jakarta Bay. River conditions that have a tendency to heavily polluted water quality are thought to be the impact resulting from anthropogenic activities from activities around the flow. The purpose of this study was to analyze the availability of dissolved oxygen (DO) and its indications against domestic pollution. Domestic pollution parameters are indicated by the high value of BOD, COD, H2S, ammonia, odor, and water color. Water sampling will be carried out in 2023 for four periods representing the conditions of the rainy season, dry season, and transition season. The monitoring stations are spread across 7 locations in the East Jakarta area to the downstream of the river in North Jakarta. The results of the study are presented by determining parameters that indicate domestic pollution that does not meet quality standards based on Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 22 of 2021, Annex VI regarding river water quality standards. In addition, the distribution graph of quality status is determined through the pollution index along the river section. This research can support domestic waste management in order to reduce and minimize the impact of pollution on the sustainability of the Cakung River.

