Analysis of Compliance with Green Building Based on Greenship of Existing Building: Case Study of Delta Building

This title has been presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 14.35-14.45 GMT+7.


  • Yudi Chadirin Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering IPB University Author
  • Muhammad Khaerul Anwar Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, IPB University, Jl. Raya Darmaga, Bogor 16680 Author
  • Rayhan Fadillah Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, IPB University, Jl. Raya Darmaga, Bogor 16680 Author


This title has been presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 14.35-14.45 GMT+7.

Abstract. Green building, as a sustainable building, has significant role in conserving the environment surrounding the campus by conserving water, improving energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, and improving efficiency in the use of natural resources. Implementing green building principles into daily operation and maintenance of building can be significant contribution to mitigate the global warming effects. The purpose of this study is to analyse conformity the Delta Building with the greenship of existing building ver 1.1 from green building council Indonesia. The greenship of existing building ver 1.1 was used as a rating tool to conduct an assessment that containing 6 categories. The Delta Building has implemented green building in 6 categories of greenship and resulted in 43 of 117-point. The point of acquisition of each category is as follows: appropriate site development (ASD) contributed 7 of 16-point, efficiency and energy conservation (EEC) contributed 19 of-36point, water conservation (WAC) contributed 2 of 10-point, material resources and cycle (MRC) contributed 2 of 12-point, indoor health and comfort (IHC) contributed 11 of 20-point and building environment and management (BEM) contributed 2 of 13-point. Performance of WAC, MRC and BEM should be improved by building manager to increase point and elevate the rating.

