Looking at the potential of HSP70 gene sequence in the germplasm of Indonesian green jungle fowl

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 13.35 - 13.45 GMT+7.


  • Achmad Farajallah Department of Biology, IPB University, , Jl Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, 16680 Author
  • Maria Ulfah Dept. Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Jl Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, 16680 Author
  • Achmad Alfiyan Department of Biology, IPB University, , Jl Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, 16680 Author
  • Dyah Perwitasari Department of Biology, IPB University, , Jl Agatis Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor, 16680 Author


Heatshock gene, the Sequence Read Archive, green jungle fowl


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 13.35 - 13.45 GMT+7.

It has long been known that the concentration of intracellular heatsock proteins will increase following stressful conditions, whether physical stress (heat, pH, osmotic), infection/ infestation with parasitic organisms or stress via neural pathways. The research aims to characterize the gene encoding HSP 70 in green jungle fowl (GJF) as a basis for germplasm sources in developing chickens that are resistant to heat stress. The sequence read archive (SRA) of GJF deposited in GenBank originating from Blora (Central Java), Banyuwangi (East Java) and Madura is called. SRA data was compiled and aligned to the complete HSP70 gene from broiler chickens. The HSP70 gene segment in GJF is 2320 bp consisting of '5UTR (110 bp), CDS (1905 bp/635 aa) and 3'UTR (305 bp). The 5'UTR heterozygous condition was found in GJF Madura and Blora, each at 1 base position out of 110 bases, while the 3'UTR was found in GJF Madura and Blora also at 4 base positions out of 305 bases. There are 2 differentiating bases between broiler chickens and GJF in the UTR area. Heterozygous conditions in the CDS area have 51 sites (from 1905 bp). The HSP70 sequence found in the germplasm of Indonesian green jungle fowl, especially in the gene control segments (5'UTR and 3'UTR), shows very promising therapeutic and agronomic potential.

