Saurophus androgynus L. Merr. response to different shades intensities and fertilizer rates

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 11.15-11.25 GMT+7.


  • Juang Gema Kartika IPB University Author
  • Ketty Suketi IPB University Author


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 11.15-11.25 GMT+7.

Katuk (Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr.) is an indigenous plant that can be utilized as a leafy vegetable, food coloring, and herbal medicine. This research aims to determine the optimal shade intensity and fertilizer rate to enhance the growth and production of katuk plants. The experiment was conducted using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RKLT) Split Plot design, with shade intensity as the main plot and fertilizer rate as the subplot. Shade intensity consisted of 4 levels: N0 (no shade), N1 (shade intensity 55%), N2 (shade intensity 65%), and N3 (shade intensity 75%). Fertilizer rate also consisted of 4 levels: P1 (480 Kg ha-1/3 times harvest), P2 (880 Kg ha-1/3 times harvest), P3 (1280 Kg ha-1/3 times harvest), and P4 (1680 Kg ha-1/3 times harvest). The research results indicate that the optimum result for the katuk plant's cutting population is achieved at a shade intensity of 75%..  Shade application affects the growth and production of katuk plants up to 20 WAP (3rd harvest). The use of 45% paranet is recommended to obtain optimum growth and production of katuk, compared to cultivation in full sun conditions or using paranet with a higher shade intensity. Fertilizer rates showed linear results. This research cannot recommend the optimum fertilizer rate for katuk growth and production.

