Gayo lingua kitchen: an online documentation of language-based Gayo food plants for biodiversity conservation and cultural revitalization

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 11.15-11.25 GMT+7.


  • Arzyana Sunkar IPB University Author
  • Syafitri Hidayati IPB University Author
  • Adisti Permatasari Putri Hartoyo IPB University Author


indigenous, language, Gayo Lut


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 11.15-11.25 GMT+7.

Language opens up the window to the state of environment and environmental preservation. Lack of documentation and technological opportunities (digital repository and big data management) require attention. local knowledge needs to be documented and collected, encompassing all aspects of indigenous plants including those that are underutilized, from traditional beliefs, to use and agronomic practices. Traditional and indigenous food crops are more than just environmental-friendly and address cultural needs; they also preserve local cultural heritage. This paper's objective is to explore language as an instrument for documenting the local names of indigenous food plants and local dishes of the Gayo Lut people, together with their correct speech sounds through the use of the online platform. The materials will be produced in the form of digital repository/website to enhance the further revitalization of Gayo language, by using a creative approach of using food to revitalize language. This concept is expected to enhance understanding of the interlinkages of language, culture and biodiversity. it is expected that through this documentation, the traditional knowledge of good food plots will be documented and use as the source of knowledge for all people, especially the younger Gayo generation to enhance appreciations for their own culture



