Thirty-Eight Years of Halal Traceability in IPB Repository: A Bibliometric Analysis

This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 16.05-16.15 GMT+7.


  • Aprialdy Idrus IPB University Author
  • Ranti Aisuka Rinjani IPB University Author
  • Puput Lestari IPB University Author
  • Jeanne Natasia Jaya IPB University Author
  • Tia Nurdianty Ameylia IPB University Author
  • Sri Wahyuni IPB University Author
  • Ayu Tri Nursyarah IPB University Author
  • Yeni Yuniarti IPB University Author
  • Faisal Ali IPB University Author
  • M Hidayat IPB University Author
  • Henti Rosdayanti IPB University Author


bibliometric, halal studies, IPB pepository, scientific papers


This title will be presented on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 16.05-16.15 GMT+7.

This study utilized a bibliometric approach to investigate halal studies and prioritize data sources from the IPB Repository. By employing the keyword "halal" in a search, a total of 1637 scientific papers were identified. Following a meticulous screening process, 1439 studies published between 1985 and 2023 were selected for further analysis. The Publish or Perish application was employed to track author contributions. Network analysis using VOSviewer illuminated collaboration structures and keyword relationships. The study uncovered the three most prominent authors in halal studies: Ranti Wiliasih, Musa Hubeis, and Rudy Priyanto. Noteworthy keywords included in the studies were related to the marketing strategy, halal, logistic regression, and halal labeling. The most extensively researched areas were found to be local (86.89%), national (11.70%), and international (1.39%). The findings of this study reinforce our understanding of the halal knowledge repertoire in IPB and provide direction for future research. With the vast opportunities for exploration in larger areas, such as national and international, researchers are encouraged to delve deeper into halal studies in future research endeavors.


2023-12-01 — Updated on 2023-12-12
