A Cutting-Edge Software Innovation for Melon Production Management in Greenhouse

This paper was not presented at the conference.


  • Supriyanto Supriyanto Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, IPB University, Indonesia Author
  • Jasmine Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, IPB University, Indonesia Author
  • Mohamad Solahudin Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, IPB University, Indonesia Author
  • Slamet Widodo Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, IPB University, Indonesia Author
  • Handian Purwawangsa Department of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry & Environment, IPB University Bogor, Indonesia Author
  • Tegar Adi Prasetyo Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, IPB University, Indonesia Author
  • Angga Firmansyah Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, IPB University, Indonesia Author
  • Erniati Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic, Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia Author
  • Lilis Sucahyo Department of Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering, IPB University, Indonesia Author


This paper was not presented at the conference.

Software solution was applied in agriculture especially for production management in greenhouses. Recently, advance technology such as nutrient delivery and environmental monitoring are applied in commercial greenhouses-based melon production. However, Advancements in Software Solutions for Optimizing Melon Production in Controlled Greenhouse Environments are still needed to modify with a cutting-edge software innovation. The purpose of this study was to develop the conceptual framework of cutting-edge software innovation for melon production in greenhouses. This research consisted of user requirement analysis, data requirement, actor’s identification, software development, and testing. The result of this study was the digital farming design of melon cultivation in greenhouses. Prototype of software also developed to demonstrated the digital farming application. The framework can be applied for commercial greenhouse in Indonesia. Software could help greenhouse farmers and practitioners to manage the cultivation, nutrient delivery, and environmental control.

