
Login or Register to make a submission.

Author Guidelines


  1. All presentations should consist of original research that has not been accepted or published for publication elsewhere.
  2. If the work involves the use of animal or human subjects, the author should ensure and state in the Materials and Methods, along with the approval number, that all procedures were performed in compliance with relevant laws and institutional guidelines and that the appropriate institutional committee(s) have approved them.
  3. The participants should prepare an abstract and paper or poster following the Instructions for Submission and template provided.
  4. Space limitations allow for ABSTRACT is a maximum of 200 words, except for title, authors, and affiliations.
  5. The ABSTRACT includes: (1) Research backgrounds, (2) objectives, (3) brief methods, (4) major results and importance of findings, and (5) conclusions.
  6. The participants should upload ABSTRACT FILE AND PAYMENT RECEIPT in REGISTRATION PROCESS on the online system.
  7. After completing the registration, participants will receive a notification email.
  8. The committee will review the submitted abstracts and notify the status of the abstract to the participants by August 5, 2024.
  9. Once the abstract is accepted, participants for ORAL PRESENTATION should upload their full paper and presentation file on the designated time. While participants for POSTER PRESENTATION should refer to Poster Presentation Information.
  10. Participants can check the information for their submission status on the website.
  11. Selected papers will be published in the IOP Conference Series. The publication fee will be announced to the authors after the decision for the selected papers.


  1. Each presenter will be allocated 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.
  2. Presentation files MUST be compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 or later.
  3. Presentation file MUST be uploaded via the online system on the Submission
  4. Authors can submit and change the files freely by September 30, 2024.
  5. No files will be accepted in the session room.
  6. The committee will assign participants into groups for the parallel classroom session.


  1. The poster has an abstract, the purpose of the research, a brief method, results (figures, tables), conclusions, and references.
  2. The recommended poster size is A0 (841 mm wide x 1,188 mm high).
  3. Please include the ICARE logo (DOWNLOAD here) on the upper left of the poster.
  4. Please use sticky tape to attach your poster to the board. No double-sided tapes, pins, or thumbtacks can be used.
  5. Presenters have to remove every poster after their presentations. The presentation schedule will be announced in advance. The Secretariat will not be held liable for any posters lost or damaged.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission consists of original research that has not been accepted or published for publication elsewhere.
  • The participant agrees to follow the entire process of article selection according to the ICARE procedures, including revising the manuscripts by following the committee comments at a specified time.

Sustainable animal genetic resources

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The names and email addresses entered in this conference site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.