About the Journal

The 2nd International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources Advancement and Technology (ISOTOBAT 2025) is a ground-breaking event exploring emerging science, innovation and technology in fostering future advancement of tropical bioresources. The ISOTOBAT 2025 is organized by The Directorate of Strategic Studies and Academic Reputation, IPB University, in partnership with Institute of Tropical Agriculture and Food Security (ITAFoS), Universiti Putra Malaysia. This premier event is dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of tropical bioresources across various sectors including agriculture, forestry, marine, and animal sciences. The seminar is designed as a multidisciplinary platform for experts, researchers, students, and enthusiasts to share insights and foster collaborations towards a sustainable and healthier future. This seminar focuses on promoting sustainable innovation for the management of tropical bioresources in the digital era, exploring new strategies and technologies to enhance resource efficiency, environmental conservation, and economic development.

ISOTOBAT 2025 is the continuation of the 2024 conference, which highlighted "Harnessing Innovation and Technology in Fostering the Advancement of Tropical Bioresources" and led to the publication of 80 papers in BIO Web of Conferences (Scopus-indexed; https://www.bio-conferences.org/articles/bioconf/abs/2024/42/contents/contents.html), ISOTOBAT 2025 aims to attract more than 200 paper submissions, with international contributions projected to reach 30%. 

ISOTOBAT 2025 carries the theme "Sustainable Innovation for Tropical Bioresources Management in the Digital Era".  The seminars will encompass four critical sub-themes, each addressing different facets of tropical bioresources:

  1. Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Agroforestry, and Agromaritime Innovation.
  2. Socio-economics and Business Transformation in Tropical Bioresources.
  3. Innovative Technologies in Bioresource Science and Engineering.
  4. Bioresources in Food and Nutrition for a Healthier Future.

The International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources Advancement and Technology (ISOTOBAT 2025) will be held on:

Date: Thursday-Friday, 22th-23th May 2025

Time: 08.30 am-05.00 pm

All Participants: Online

Keynote/Invited Speaker: Online

Abstract Submission: conference.ipb.ac.id/isotobat


The Participants

Estimated attendance for seminars are 200 participants with registration fees as follows:

Registration fee for non-student presenter

Rp 300.000/30 USD

Registration fee for student presenter

Rp 200.000/20 USD

Registration fee for participant only, with e-certificate

Rp 100.000/10 USD

Registration fee for participant only, without e-certificate

Rp 50.000/5 USD

Seminars fee for non-student presenter (including publication fee)

Rp 2.800.000/280 USD

Seminars fee for student presenter (including publication fee)

Rp 2.700.000/270 USD


  • The final decision for publication is solely dependent on the publisher.
  • If the full paper is rejected by the seminars committee, the seminars fee (2.500.000 IDR or 250 USD) will be returned 70%.
  • If the full paper is rejected by the publisher, then the seminars fee will not be returned.
  • Registration fee for presenter will not be returned.

 Payment Instructions

  1. Please make registration fee for presenter and seminar fee (including publication fee) payment after abstract accepted. Registration fee and seminars fee based on per submitted abstract.
    Total Payment: (depended on the presenter's status).
  2. Please note that acceptance for publication in the proceeding is solely the policy of publisher. Please read the note under the registration fee table for the seminars fee policy. 
  3. Bank Name: BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia)
    Bank Number: 9889370515040501
    Account Name: Direktorat Kajian Strategis dan Reputasi Akademik
    Bank Code: 009
    Branch Code: 061
    Swift Code: BNINIDJABGR
  4. If you need other payment information, please contact us.
  5. Submit payment receipt through https://ipb.link/payment-isotobat-24 along with Required Documents, check our website.

Additional Info:

For Non-Presenter Participants please fill the link below:
