Development of flower and fruit of Magnolia champaca L. in Banda Aceh city


  • Sari Rati Masrura Biology Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala Author
  • Nurul Islamidini Biology Department Universitas Syiah Kuala Author
  • Zumaidar Zumaidar Biology Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala Author
  • Muhammad Alfaraby Medical Department, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Author


Magnolia champaca, flower, fruit, development, Flora Identity Aceh


Magnolia champaca L. in Aceh, known as Jeumpa Kuneng or Bungong Jeumpa, holds significant cultural and traditional importance, designated as the regional flower or identity flora of Aceh Province. The utilization of M. champaca in various traditional ceremonies underscores its cultural significance, while its fragrance and beauty have inspired Acehnese poetry. Ethnobotanical studies reveal its medicinal properties, particularly in treating various diseases, with the flower being the most utilized part. However, its utilization may have impacted its spread and reproduction, evidenced by its decreasing presence in Banda Aceh. This study aims to understand the duration and morphological characteristics of its development. Observations reveal a 24-26 day flower development process, starting from generative bud emergence. Fruit formation occurs from day 26 to 70, characterized by the ripening and blackening of the fruit. Understanding these developmental stages aids in predicting optimal fruit harvesting times. The reproductive and fruit types are classified as monoecious hypogynous and dehiscent dry fruit, respectively





Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Agroforestry, and Agromaritime Innovation