Daily Behaviour and Management Practices of Binturong (Arctictis binturong) in Semarang Zoo


  • Diah Irawati Dwi Arini Research Center for Applied Zoology, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) Author


Binturong; behaviour observation, captive management


Binturong (Arctictis binturong) is distinctive mammals native to Southeast Asia. This study examines the daily behavior and management practices of binturong at Semarang Zoo to understand their habits and assess care approaches. Using scan sampling, daily behaviors of three solitary binturongs were observed in enclosures measuring 3 x 1.5 meters, reflecting their solitary nature. Given the binturong's nocturnal tendencies, diurnal observations revealed that sleeping and resting occupied more than 50% of their time. Feeding routines are essential for the binturong's well-being, including a diet of papaya, banana, cucumber, and chicken meat provided once daily. Management practices include daily enclosure cleaning, fresh water provision, and regular health care every three months. Enhancing welfare may involve adding enrichment activities and more diet variety. Observations focused on daylight hours, underscoring the need for further study of both day and night activity patterns. Research into the phylogenetics and genetic diversity of binturong across conservation institutions forms the basis for effective species conservation and futurs efforts. Careful observation and analysis indicate appropriate management practices contribute significantly to the welfare of binturong in captivity. These findings offer valuable insights into binturong behavior and care, aiding best practices for management in zoos and supporting ongoing conservation initiatives.





Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Agroforestry, and Agromaritime Innovation