Concept Map of Livelihood Activities for Local Micro Food Business Actors


  • Sitti Khadijah Yahya Hiola University Hasanuddin Author


Micro businesses are the most numerous among small and medium businesses which can now be found in almost all areas of Makassar. Local food raw materials are an option because they are easy to obtain and almost always available. This research aims to determine and analyze the concept map of livelihood activities at the local micro-food business scale in Makassar. Qualitative descriptive approach with semi-structured interviews with data analysis techniques using Nvivo software. This research was conducted for two months in September-October 2023 in Makassar City, we deliberately focused on 10 informants to get more accurate data for local micro food business participants. Research findings show that the resulting concept map states that micro businesses at the livelihood activities level are influenced by family economics, experience, capital and labor, market reach, exhibitions, criticism, and training. We found more obstacles in facing the era of digitalization and complete business legality. The contribution made by this study to the development of local food micro businesses at the livelihood activities level by completing business legality can facilitate increased sales of local food products so that market reach can be expanded, for this reason, it is necessary to use digital technology to enable access for all.





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