Inhibition of A549 cells proliferation through activation of caspase cascade by marine sponges Callyspongia aerizusa extract


  • Yuni Elsa Hadisaputri Pandjajaran University Author
  • Rini Hendriani Pandjajaran University Author
  • Fanny Kristiadhi Pandjajaran University Author
  • Ade Zuhrotun Pandjajaran University Author
  • Yusnaini Yusnaini Halu Oleo University Author
  • Rizky Abdulah Padjajaran University Author


Callyspongia aerizusa , Lung cancer, apoptosis


Lung cancer is the highest cancer incidence in the world with prevalence and mortality encourage the discovery of a source of therapy to deal with the disease1.  Sponges are abundance source but still limited use specially in health problem. Secondary metabolites from marine biota are a hope to address the problem of Lung cancer. To investigate detailed mechanisms activity possessed by the extract of marine sponge Callyspongia aerizusa (C. aerizusa) as a source of therapy2. Inhibiting activities against cell proliferation, colony formation, morphological changes of cells during treatment, and mRNA expression levels of corresponding molecules were investigating using A549 lung cancer cells. The extract of C. aerizusa sponge possessed strong anti-proliferation activity against A549 cells. Further, morphological changes of A549 cells shows apoptosis occurrence that clarified with upregulation of the mRNA expression of Caspase-9, Caspase-3, PARP-1 and as well as a decrease in BCL-2 expression3. Based on gene expression produced by A549 lung cancer cells, it was proven that C. aerizusa sponge extract can induce A549 lung cancer cell death through apoptotic pathways.





Bioresources in Food and Nutrition for a Healthier Future