Utilization of Black Soldier Fly Larvae Juice as a Probiotic Supplement for Broiler Chickens: Effect on Performance, Immunity, Hematology, and Economic Feasibility


  • Tazkiyah Utari Faculty of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, IPB University, Author
  • Jovano Erris Nugroho Bio Cycle Indo Author
  • Kevin Anggara Bio Cycle Indo Author
  • Rima Shidqiyya Hidayati Martin Center for Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS), IPB University Author
  • Maya Sofiah Center for Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS), IPB University Author
  • Nahrowi Center for Tropical Animal Studies (CENTRAS), IPB University Author


BSF larvae juice; feed additives; maggot; performance broiler; probiotic


Currently many types of feed additives that utilize as alternatives to antibiotic growth promotor and one of potential feed additives which is larva juice origin. The objective of this study was to cogitate how potential the microorganism in larvae juice as a probiotic and the efficient dose which given to male broiler chicken. A total of 250 male broiler chicken strain Cobb chicks were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments and five replicates with 10 birds on each blocked cages. The treatments were P0: control positive (without probiotic); P1: control negative (probiotic commercial) 1 mg/L; P2: probiotic BSF larvae juice 1 mL/L; P3: probiotic BSF larvae juice 3 mL/L P4: probiotic BSF larvae juice 5 mL/L. The result showed that the major of gram positive bacteria found in probiotic larva juice such Bacillus and Actinomyces. The utilization of larva juice as probiotic on drink water 5mL/L has significant impact on body weight and average daily gain of broilers and give positive improvement of feed cost saving. That’s level still safe given to broilers and unobtrusive the physiological internal vital organs, immune organs, digestion organs as well as blood profile.





Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Agroforestry, and Agromaritime Innovation