Biopharmaca for a Healthier Future


  • Irmanida Batubara Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, IPB University Author


health, biopharmaca, medicinal plants


Biopharmaca are defined as plants, animals, and microbes that have potential as medicines, health foods, functional foods, and nutraceuticals for humans, animals, and plants. With multidisciplinary skills spanning from discovery to conservation, cultivation, extraction, chemical structure analysis, standardization, and investigations of the effectiveness of natural resources, the Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center (TropBRC) was founded at IPB University. Investigating biopharmaca sources, evaluating their activity with bioassays, and searching for phytochemical or active chemicals are often the first steps in the research process. Next, standardized raw materials are created from active biopharmaca sources, and the production of standardized raw materials is defined by excellent agriculture practices. Standardized herbal medicine products are produced by formulating herbal medications using a bioinformatics approach. The process of standardization is implemented through quality, efficacy, and safety (toxicity) checks. We'll talk about a number of biopharmaceutical products that have been successfully created at TropBRC IPB, including C et Chic toothpaste, Xylocarpus granatum and Adenostemma spp as an antiaging agent, and Chored, an anti-hypercholesterol jamu.





Bioresources in Food and Nutrition for a Healthier Future