The Amino Acid Profile of Stingless Bee Pollen from Various Regions in Indonesia


  • Indira Kayaputri Departemen Teknologi Industri Pangan, FTIP, UNPAD Author


amino acid , amino acid score, stingless bee


Stingless bees is a type of bee that is often found in Indonesia. These bees are multiflora, thus affecting the nutritional content of the bee products. One type of stingless bee product is bee pollen. Bee pollen has a fairly high protein content. In this research, samples of stingless bee pollen were collected from various regions in Indonesia for subsequent analysis of the amino acid profile of the bee pollen using HPLC, and then the amino acid score was calculated. Based on the results of the analysis, showed that stingless bee pollen in Indonesia contains complete amino acids, both essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. In addition, it was found that Indonesian stingless bee pollen had the lowest amino acid score in the amino acid Methionine (Met). However, the Methionine amino acid score value is still in the high category, namely above 100. This shows that bee pollen contains complete essential amino acids. Methionine plays a role in protecting body tissue.





Bioresources in Food and Nutrition for a Healthier Future