Tempe as a Control for Diabetes Mellitus: Consumer Perceptions and Feasibility
Diabetes mellitus, consumer perception, tempeAbstract
Tempe as a Control for Diabetes Mellitus: Consumer Perceptions and Feasibility
I Mardhiati1, M Astawan1, D Indrasti1
1Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, IPB University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
Email: astawan@apps.ipb.ac.id
Abstract. Tempe is a promising dietary option for diabetes mellitus (DM) patients due to its high dietary fiber and low glycemic index. This study aimed to assess the nutritional quality of tempe, its suitability as a high-fiber functional food per PerBPOM No. 1 of 2022, and DM patients' perceptions of its importance. Findings indicated that tempe met the Indonesian National Standards for moisture, protein, and fat, but its crude fiber content was above the standard (>2.5%). However, its dietary fiber content, measured in Bekasi Regency, met high-fiber food standards (>6 g/100 g). Initially, only 25% of respondents considered tempe essential for DM management, but after education, 69% recognized its importance, demonstrating that counselling effectively enhances positive perceptions and tempe consumption. Age was significantly related to the portion of tempe per meal, and the frequency of tempe consumption increased with higher food expenditure. Education was also positively correlated with perceptions about the nutritional benefits of tempe, indicating that DM sufferers with higher education were more aware of the nutritional value and benefits of tempe. This shows the importance of education and counseling to the public in supporting the consumption of tempe as a functional food choice to control DM.
Keywords. Diabetes mellitus, dietary fiber, glycemic index, consumer perception, tempe