Enhancing Lactobacillus rhamnosus Growth in Aloe vera Juice Fermentation with Stingless Bee Honey


  • Alifah Rifdah Rosyidah Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia Author
  • Silvana Nurulfauziyyah Indahsari Diponegoro University, Indonesia Author
  • Anna Fajariyah National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia Author
  • Asri Nursiwi Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia Author
  • Dwi Ratih National Research and Innovation Agency Author
  • Asep Wahyu Sugianto National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia Author
  • Alan Efendhi CV. Mount Vera Sejati (Rasane Vera), Indonesia Author
  • Ema Damayanti National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia Author


Probiotics, agromaritime, aloevera


Consumers are increasingly seeking probiotic beverages for better health. Fermented aloe vera juice is one such beverage. This study investigated Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria's activity in fermented aloe vera juice with added stingless bee honey. Six formulations used as additives in aloe vera juice: Formula A: 10% honey + 5% sugar; B: 5% honey + 5% sugar; C: 10% honey; D: 10% honey + 5% sugar + salt + vanilla; E: 2.5% honey + 10% sugar; and F: 10% sugar + ascorbic acid + salt + vanilla. Aloe vera juice was fermented with 5% (v/v) of L. rhamnosus ATCC 9595 (107 CFU/mL) for 48 hours at 37 ºC. The observed variables were optical density (OD), pH value, total L. rhamnosus, and total lactic acid. The results demonstrated that concentrations of honey influenced L. rhamnosus growth. The bacterial growth order from highest to lowest is formula D, C, E, B, A, and F. The growth value of L. rhamnosus bacteria at 48-hours fermentation sequentially being 7.52; 7.40; 7.38; 7.30; 7.28; and 4.54 Log CFU/mL. Formula D had the highest L. rhamnosus growth rate, with 7.52 Log CFU/mL total bacteria, 0.23 OD600 nm, 0.64% of total acid, and a pH value of 3.70. 





Science and technology for sustainable agromaritime