2024 Frontier in Sustainable Agromaritime and Environmental Development Conference
The Frontier in Sustainable Agromaritime and Environmental Development Conference (FiSAED) 2024 is poised to further its influential role in advancing sustainable agromaritime practices with the theme "Frontier Agromaritime at the Cross-Road for Addressing Complex Issues." This year, the conference will spotlight Agromaritime 4.0—a transformative vision that incorporates cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, drones, robotics, blockchain, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology into the sustainable management of terrestrial and marine resources. By integrating these advancements, FiSAED 2024 seeks to enhance precision and sustainability in resource use, aligning closely with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
FiSAED 2024 is the continuation of the 2023 conference, which highlighted "Frontier Agromaritime Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals" and led to the publication of 145 papers in IOP: Earth and Environmental Science (Scopus-indexed;, FiSAED 2024 aims to attract more than 200 paper submissions, with international contributions projected to reach 30%. The conference will delve into four core sub-themes: Science and Technology for Sustainable Agromaritime, Socio-Economic Transformation for Sustainable Agromaritime, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and the Environment, and Environmental Health and Ecosystems. Together, these topics are essential in advancing SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.
By fostering collaboration, encouraging joint authorship, and supporting global alliances, FiSAED cultivates a dynamic environment for knowledge sharing and innovation across disciplines. These partnerships are instrumental in driving systemic change, building resilient communities, and promoting the sustainable management of natural resources—key steps toward achieving broader sustainable development goals.
Further information regarding the scope of each subtheme is provided below:
Sustainable Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Science and Technology for Sustainable Agromaritime
- Soil Science and Land Resources
- Agronomy and Horticulture
- Plant Protection
- Landscape Architecture
- Fisheries and Marine Science
- Animal Science
- Forestry
- Environmental Science and Management
- Agrometeorology and Geophysics
- Mechanical and Biosystem Engineering
- Food Science and Technology
- Agroindustrial Technology
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Environmental Health and Ecosystems
Socio-economic Transformation for Sustainable Agromaritime
- Environmental medicine
- Environmental Pollution and Hazards
- Epidemiology and Tropical Diseases
- Human and Animal Health
- Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation
- Agribusiness and Management
- Agricultural Economics and Development
- Resource and Environmental Economics
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Communication and Community Development
Wildlife-Endangered species Conservation and Animal Reproduction International Conference 2024
Wildlife-Endangered Species Conservation and Animal Reproduction (WECARe) International Conference 2024 is an International Conference initiated by the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and Biobank Team, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedicine, IPB University, Indonesia. WECARe International Conference 2024 will be held for the first time with the theme "Their Future is Our Future - Sustainable Development of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Biobanking for Biodiversity Conservation.” This theme is based on the concept that "every action we take today on multi-species animals on this earth will affect our lives in the future." Not only talking about the preservation of endangered animals, which is very important to take immediate firm action which will ultimately have an impact on the balance of biodiversity but also about livestock, which is also important to breed and increase their population for world food balance and meat self-sufficiency to meet animal protein needs; and includes pets which are also important to control their population. Assisted reproductive technology and biobanking are the best efforts that can be made to overcome every problem faced to maintain the balance of human, animal, and environmental life, and they are present as the last line of defense for saving endangered animals. In the end, all efforts made, especially in wildlife conservation, increasing livestock populations, and controlling pet populations through various biotechnologies that have developed rapidly to date, are expected to create a balance of biodiversity that will have an impact and provide a major contribution in creating a balanced ecosystem, where each species has a role in maintaining environmental balance.
Through the WECARe International Conference 2024, it is hoped that every element involved and participating in it can exchange, share, and discuss various information, science, knowledge, experience, and the latest status related to the conservation of endangered animals spread throughout the world and related to the development of reproductive science and its applied biotechnology in multi-species animals. As a country with a diversity of endemic animals, most of which are endangered, this International scientific meeting is also expected to be a forum for activists or observers of endangered animals across countries to be able to share various insights to strengthen animal conservation programs that are expected to be implemented routinely. This conference is also an excellent medium to study various scientific research, technology, and programs from other countries that have been successfully implemented or applied as breeding strategies for multi-species animals.
WECARe International Conference 2024 carries the theme " Their Future is Our Future - Sustainable Development of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Biobanking for Biodiversity Conservation ". The scope of our International Conference represented our concern for advanced research on multi-species reproductive biology, including issues of conservation concern for endangered species. Topics relevant to the Conference include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Assisted Reproductive Technology in Multi-Species
- Multi-Omics Analysis for Reproduction Issues in Multi-Species
- Cryobiology of Gametes and Embryos in Multi-Species
- Reproductive Anatomy, Physiology, and Endocrinology in Multi-Species
- Reproductive Pathologies and Diseases in Multi-Species
- Diagnostic Instruments/Tools for Reproduction Issues in Multi-Species
- Wildlife Conservation Medicine & Management
WECARe International Conference 2024, a Hybrid Conference, will be held directly at the Royal Safari Garden Resorts & Convention, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, on 24-26 October 2024. The accepted articles will be published in the Scopus-indexed proceedings in the E3S Web of Conferences. Selected and potential articles will be considered for publication in Scopus-indexed International Journals at least Q3.
ISOSS 2024
Indonesia's coastal and oceanic areas hold abundant biodiversity, such as fisheries, mangroves, and coral reefs, yet their potential is not maximized. The physical processes and dynamics of Indonesia's oceans regulate the distribution of marine biodiversity and ecosystems, including the Indonesian Throughflow and complex topography. The marine and fisheries sector has significant potential for sustainable development but is facing serious anthropogenic pressure and climate change. Adapting to these changes requires collaboration and innovation between researchers from various disciplines in the marine sciences. International Seminar on Ocean Sciences and Sustainability (ISOSS) provides a platform for such collaboration and innovation.
The conference will discuss several topics, including:
- Climate change and ocean threats
- Marine bioprospecting and food security
- Renewable blue energy
- Sustainable Fisheries and blue economies
- Sustainable ocean technology
Time and Venue
- Time : November 04 - 05, 2024
- Venue : Hybrid (Virtual Room & Ambon-Indonesia)
Expected Output
Selected papers will be published in International reputable Index Scopus Proceeding (BIO web of conf)
International Conference on Sustainable Animal Resource and Environmental
ICARE 2024
The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Animal Resource and Environment (ICARE) will be held by the Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, with the theme "Fostering Resilience: Animal Environmental Research and Technology for Sustainable Production”. Selected papers will be published in the IOP Conference Series Proceedings. The conference topics covered in the publication include:
- Sustainable animal genetic resources,
- Smart animal production systems and management,
- Eco friendly animal feed resources and nutrition,
- Frontier animal product technology,
- Animal welfare, health, and environment.
The event will take place on October 16-17, 2024, at the IPB International Convention Center in Bogor, Indonesia.
International Seminar on Climate Change, Air Quality and Urban Forest (ISCCROM 2024)
The 1st International Seminar on Climate Change, Air Quality And Urban Forest (ISCCROM 2024) is organized by the Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and Pacific (CCROM SEAP) at IPB University. The seminar aims to provide a platform for stakeholders from government, academia, business, and other sectors to share knowledge and experiences on addressing the impacts of climate change as well as environmental issues including air pollution
The seminar will focus on the following key topics:
- Climate change and its impacts on various aspects of life and sectors
- Extreme weather patterns, natural disasters, and their links to climate change
- Threats to ecosystem sustainability, food security, poverty, and human health due to climate change
- Global air quality issues and the sources of air pollution (transportation, industry, biomass burning, etc.)
- Impacts of air pollution on human health, ecosystem sustainability, climate change, and overall quality of life
The seminar is open access and welcomes participation from researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and other interested parties to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience on tackling the challenges of climate change and air pollution. The proceedings and outcomes of the seminar will be published
The 1st International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources Advancenment and Technology (ISOTOBAT 2024)
The 1st International Seminar on Tropical Bioresources Advancement and Technology (ISOTOBAT 2024) is a ground-breaking event exploring emerging science, innovation and technology in fostering future advancement of tropical bioresources. This premier event is dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of tropical bioresources across various sectors including agriculture, forestry, marine, and animal sciences. The seminar is designed as a multidisciplinary platform for experts, researchers, students, and enthusiasts to share insights and foster collaborations towards a sustainable and healthier future. The seminar focuses on harnessing concepts, technology and business innovations across various biological resources to harmonize the way of every natural aspect for a sustainable and healthier future. ISOTOBAT 2024 will inquire into four sub-themes: Science and Technology Innovation, Socio-economics and Business Transformation, Innovative Technologies in Bioresource Science and Engineering, and Bioresources in Natural Food and Nutrition. This seminar's event offers a unique opportunity to engage with the latest trends and innovations that contribute to a sustainable and healthier future. The accepted articles will be published in the Scopus-indexed proceeding in the BIO Web of Conferences.
ISOTOBAT carries the theme "Harnessing Innovation and Technology in Fostering the Advancement of Tropical Bioresources". The seminars will encompass four critical sub-themes, each addressing different facets of tropical bioresources:
- Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Agroforestry, and Agromaritime Innovation.
- Socio-economics and Business Transformation in Tropical Bioresources.
- Innovative Technologies in Bioresource Science and Engineering.
- Bioresources in Food and Nutrition for a Healthier Future.
International Conference on Interdisciplinary Physics
The Department of Physics, IPB University proudly present the inaugural edition of International Conference on Interdisciplinary Physics (ICIPs), in conjunction with BOND21.
With the spirit of collaboration, scientist, engineers, industrialist, and policymaker from all across the globe will gather to explore the advances of science especially the areas of interdisciplinary physics.
Theme and Scope
Under the theme “Empowering Circularity through Advances in Sciences,” the conference will dive into cutting-edge research and innovative solutions across diverse fields, all with the shared goal of minimizing waste, maximizing resource recovery, and supporting sustainability.
The scope of the conference are but not limited to:
1. Nanophysics
2. Biophysics
3. Electronics and Instrumentation
4. Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences
5. Nanoengineering
6. Theoretical and computational physics
7. Physics of Complex SystemTime and Venue
- Time : August 12-13, 2024
- Venue : Hybrid (Virtual Room & Swiss-Belresort Belitung, Indonesia)
The 1st International Conference on “Science and Islam for Future Civilization” (IC-SIFUCA)
The 1ST International Conference on “Science and Islam for Future Civilization” (IC-SIFUCA).
IC-SIFUCA carries the theme "The Role of Muslim Scholar in Engineering the Development of Science & Technology for the Future of World Civilization". This seminar will cover five important sub-themes, each of which addresses a different aspect of Science and Islam for Future Civilization:
1. Energy and SDGs Welcoming the World’s- Energy management and policy
- Energy conversion technology
- Renewable energy and Non-renewable energy / Fossil energy
- Energy and Climate Change
- Energy Research & Social Science
- AI for Energy Sustainability
- Sustainable Buildings, Communities, and Cities
- Research for the Clean Energy Transition (Socio-technical, Education, and Policy)
- Alternative Energy Converstion Technology (including Wind, Geothermal, Hydro, and Ocean)2. Digital Technology dan Artificial Intelligence
- Software and Knowledge Engineering
- Smart Technologies and IoT
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Cybersecurity, Infocommunication Systems and Networks
- The Artificial Intelligence Complexing On The Risk Of Public Policy Aspect
- The Artificial Intelligent and Big Data for Decision Making & Big Data for Evidence
- Artificial Intelligent Survey of Expert Opinion
- Government 4.0 and digital transformation for sustainable outcomes3. Climate Change and Sustainable Development
- Environmental Law, Economic, and Governance
- Climate Justice and Sustainable Development Blue and Green Economic4. Politics and the Future of World Civilization
- Politics & World Business, War & Geopolitics
- Information based policy-making
- Nationalism and Political Identity
- Politics of development & varieties of welfare regimes
- Multiculturalism and minority rights in a disruptive era
- Populism and democratic backsliding
- Religious resurgence, communal identities, and radicalism
- Political Development and Digital Democracy
- Social justice
- Public transparence
- Migration and integration
- Care policy
- Political economy and development
- State politics and policy
- Urban politics
- Global public health policies5. Law
- ConstitusionalLaw
- Law and Regulation to Tackle Land Degradation
- Gender Justice in Time of Crisis Recovery
- Sustainable Development Goalsand Crisis Recovery
- Human Rights Law
- Labour and Employment Law
- ShariaLaw
- Law of Intellectual Property (IP) and Information Technology
- Criminal Justice Policy and Law
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Law6. Education
- Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
- Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
- Assessment Theories & Methodologies
- Curriculum Design & Development
- Adult, Lifelong & Distance Learning
- Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties Disability
- Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Education
- Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
- Educational Research, Development & Publishing7. Economic
- Digitalization and the Digital Economy
- Climate Change and the Green Economy
- Globalization and International Trade
- Global Financial Stability
- Public Health and the Economy
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy8. Social and Cultural
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Gender Equality
- Migration and Integration
- Social Change Due to Technology
- Urbanization and Urban Life
- Popular Culture and Media
- Mental Health and Social Well-being
- Cultural Identity and Heritage -
Seminar Pengabdian
Seminar Pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan kegiatan desiminasi hasil pengabdian Dosen IPB University pada tahun 2024. Hasil pengabdian dosen yang dipresentasikan dapat berupa hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang didanai Dikti (BIMA), kegiatan Dosen Pulang Kampung, dan karya pengabdian dosen lainnya.
Klaster bidang kegiatan terdiri dari:
1. Pertanian/Perikanan/Peternakan/Kehutanan
2. Penerapan teknologi dan Sains
3. Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Humaniora
Waktu Pelaksanaan
Tanggal: 19-20 Desember 2024
Waktu: 09.00-16.00 WIB
Tempat: Bogor
Peserta: Zoom Meeting
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